Sunday, October 7, 2018


Ex,1. Complete using the correct past from of the verbs in the box.You may have to use some negative fprms.
1)I got to the post office just before it closed and sent the letter.
2)We invited Stephanie to the party,but she did not come.
3)Jack lost his Job because he made too many mistakes.
4)Everyone knew that it was Bill`s fault,but nobody said anything.
5)Karen took the keys from the kitchen table and rained out the door.
6)i was bored,so Mum gave me some money to go shopping.
7)Do you remember the time we went to linda on holiday?
8)It started raining,but luckily I had an umbrella in my bag.

Ex,2.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.Use the correct from of the past simple.
1)I  don`t want to go and see the film because I saw it last week.
2)I don`t need a football because I bought yesterday.
3)I know a lot about paris because I went two years ago.
4)I don`t need to worry  about my homework because I did it last night.
5)I haven`t got a PlayStation any more because I sold it in june.

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